BELA v. Bangladesh and others (Metro Makers/Modhumoti Model Town) (Writ Petition No.4604/04; CIVIL APPEAL NO.256 OF 2009)

On August 14, 2004, BELA filed a writ petition (No. 4604 of 2004) challenging the legality of project of Metro Makers Ltd. called Modhumoti Model Town that was filling up 550 acres of the sub-flood flow zone near Amin Bazar, Savar ignoring laws (the flood flow zone/ sub flood flow zone as identified in SPZ…

Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque v. Bangladesh & others : Writ Petition No. 891/1994 (Industrial Pollution Case)

In 1994 BELA filed this Writ Petition seeking relief against indiscriminate pollution of air, water, soil and the environment by 903 industries including the tanneries of Hazaribagh.  After hearing all the concerned parties and upon considering all relevant facts and laws, the Hon’ble Court vide judgment dated 15 July, 2001 directed the Director General, Directorate…