Research, Publication & Awareness Creation

BELA has conducted many research projects in the last few years. For its research BELA collects data from different government sources, and at the same time collects data from selected reputed non-government organizations. For its research BELA uses  satellite images, high resolution photographs, and community testimonies and many more.

Publications of BELA: 


Books Sl. Name of Publications Author Time
1. Laws Regulating Environment in Bangladesh Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque, S. Rizwana Hasan and Zakia Sultana Fourth Edition 2020 (first published in 1996)
2. South Asian Rivers A Framework for Cooperation Imtiaz Ahmed
Shafqat Kakahel
Sudhirendra Sharma
Ajay Dixit
March, 2017
3. Judicial Decisions on Environment in South Asia (2005-2014) S. Rizwana Hasan February, 2016
4. Laws Regulating Environment in Bangladesh Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque S. Rizwana Hasan Third Edition 2014 (first published in 1996)
5. Supreme Court on Wetland Conservation S. Rizwana Hasan Zakia Sultana February, 2014
6. Strategies for Resource Management Dr. Sudhirendra Sharma December, 2013
7. বন, বনবাসী ও বন্যপ্রাণী রক্ষার্থে আইন সৈয়দা রিজওয়ানা হাসান 

জাকিয়া সুলতানা

ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯
8. River Pollution: Concerns and Expectations Ahsan Uddin Ahmed (ed.) August, 2009
9. International Rivers: Rights of the Riparian States Mohiuddin Farooque Edited by Daud Hassan March, 2009
10. Trans-boundary Water Issues in South Asia Tauhidul Anwar Khan May, 2007
11. Judicial Decisions on Environment in South Asia (2001-2004) S. Rizwana Hasan Bahreen Khan Afruza Shiuly March, 2006
12. Judicial Decisions on Environment in South Asia (Up to 2000) S. Rizwana Hasan Taslima Islam December, 2005
13. Intellectual Property Rights and Bangladesh Mahfuz Ullah June, 2002
14. Laws and Decisions on Compensation in Bangladesh S. Rizwana Hasan (ed.) June, 2001
15. Laws and Custom son Forests in Bangladesh: Issues andRemedies Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque April, 1997
16.  পরিবেশ ও অনুসন্ধানী সাংবাদিকতা মোহিউদ্দিন ফারূক

গাইন সফিক চৌধুরী

মার্চ, ১৯৯৬